GLOBAL Sourcing

Global Outsourcing, an idea generated in the 13th century by the European Guild Workers, was pioneered in the high-tech, high-skill services industry in Bangalore, India in the early 1970’s in the publishing industry by OMNiON founder, M. C. Abraham as Executive Director at Macmillan India Ltd.. Mr. Abraham pioneered the concept of providing high-quality services from a highly skilled, low-cost labor country like India and the result is the value that global corporations see today in a plethora of industries particularly media, information technology, manufacturing, etc..
As Mr. Abraham started providing outsourced publishing services to Macmillan Publishing worldwide in 1974, pretty soon word spread in the global publishing world that an attractive new model of offshore publishing services had been created in Bangalore, India. Almost all the leading publishers in the world jumped in, became his customer and experienced first-hand the benefits of the global publishing model established by Mr. Abraham. Some major publishing leaders like Springer and Elsevier established highly successful joint-venture publishing services operations with Mr. Abraham’s help in India. Most recently, in 2006, The Manipal Group established a joint-venture – Manipal Digital Systems, Pvt. Ltd. – with Mr. Abraham.
Offshore outsourcing continues to gain prominence as the premedia industry strides into the future dealing with the challenges of delivering content to new and emerging media channels such as mobile platforms and tablet computers. In today’s contemporary communication landscape; the process of producing and publishing content involves a blend of technologies, solutions and a multitude of service providers, all brought together to form a complex solution equation. Usually this equation involves, multiple departments and vendors and critical decisions are driven by the print or online “content channel” you are publishing to. The complexity of this equation makes cross-media and multi-channel communication a difficult goal to achieve, and often requires redundancy in people, process, technology and inevitably….costs.
Competitive pressures are driving most companies to send even the most specialized premedia work offshore to cheaper destinations. The prime factor removing natural barriers between countries is global connectivity. Technology is slowly transforming the marketplace into a global industry where geographic proximity is less important. Jobs can be sent, managed, and received anywhere in the world within ever shorter time frames.
When firms get into the arena of global sourcing, the standard approaches will only drive the standard responses. Now possibly you have experience with, or are committed to an outsource contract, and if that is the case, we hope you still take the time to consider beginning a relationship with OMNiON. Relationship is an important term and concept; contracts do not create relationships. Contracts are static and establish walls and barriers. Relationships are dynamic and have no such boundaries. Companies can be afraid to move into these needed, strategic relationships to design and develop the changes they should have in their business model.
OMNiON contrasts itself from traditional cheap offshore providers in its strategic focus on integrating contemporary technologies with traditional production crafts people to deliver a new breed of outsourced solutions.

Our unique innovations & turn-key solutions based on our extensive experience & depth of knowledge will help you succeed. Our founder, M. C. Abraham, is India's most experienced, successful & widely regarded publishing & media services outsourcing expert having pioneered the y back in 1974 & our co-founder, Mat Abraham, managed media solutions technology for Quad/Graphics, USA with over 20 years experience serving all the top media & brand customers in the world.
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