If you buy goods from Asia, or manufacture anything here, chances are you would be better of having them photographed here to save time and money. If you’ve had experience working with studios in Asia, you know if can be difficult to get the image and color you want, keep things consistent, get problems addressed. Having photography done in Asia can be a hassle, with communication and cultural problems. It can be a difficult process if you are not dealing with the right partner. Trust OMNiON to make it easy for you.
OMNiON’s photography services have been particularly useful to global brands that source their products from India. We will coordinate the shipping, receiving, photography and return of your products in a safe and reliable manner. This service also reduces your lead time in the marketing activities related to your products, be it online or in print.
OMNiON offers a full range of photographic services at our photo studios here in Bangalore, India. These services include:
custom set construction on your specs
full room sets (office, bedroom, living room, etc)
COB shots (background removed)
full retouching services
fully digital studio (film available too!)
plenty of space for sample storage
western prop library, cataloging and storage
outdoor shooting
Our top-quality photography creates a high quality image complete with clipping path, background removed, and saved in two formats – high resolution, 300 dpi, CMYK for catalog printing and low resolution, 72 dpi, RGB for web/internet catalog use. Group shots, shots on a non-white background, items larger than table top, items that require special props and clothing may cost more. You pay for shipping both ways. Depending on quantity turnaround time is usually 2-5 business days.
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Our unique innovations & turn-key solutions based on our extensive experience & depth of knowledge will help you succeed. Our founder, M. C. Abraham, is India's most experienced, successful & widely regarded publishing & media services outsourcing expert having pioneered the y back in 1974 & our co-founder, Mat Abraham, managed media solutions technology for Quad/Graphics, USA with over 20 years experience serving all the top media & brand customers in the world.
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