Proof Reading & Copy Editing

OMNiON has an experienced team of copy-editors to make sure your content is accurate and trained proof-readers to check that the text is correct and that any corrections made by the copy editor have been correctly input.
OMNiON’s copy editors will perform the painstaking job of going through a manuscript line by line to correct the spelling, grammar and punctuation. We will make sure we correct errors in your content, such as poor continuity, factual errors, make comments on more general textual problems and will if necessary raise a list of more general queries for the author to consider.
Our copy editors have learnt their trade over many years of working for publishers and they possess the essential expertise which can transform your manuscript into something which is ready to go into the production process.
OMNiON proof readers are most experienced in working with the top publishers worldwide on the most complex content and will perform a thorough and final check to ensure that the text is in good order.

Our unique innovations & turn-key solutions based on our extensive experience & depth of knowledge will help you succeed. Our founder, M. C. Abraham, is India’s most experienced, successful & widely regarded publishing & media services outsourcing expert having pioneered the y back in 1974 & our co-founder, Mat Abraham, managed media solutions technology for Quad/Graphics, USA with over 20 years experience serving all the top media & brand customers in the world.